Freistil by Rolf Benz, 4000-4014 fabric
Freistil recommends:
4001 elfenbein hell, 4003 blass braun, 4004 schwarzbraun, 4005 graubraun, 4006 currygelb, 4007 orange perl, 4008 karmin rot, 4009 rot wein, 4010 brombeer perl, 4012 tauben blau, 4013 basalt grau, 4014 anthrazit grau.
Regular care
Use these products to maintain your upholstery fabric daily, weekly or in case of stains:
- Puratex® care set for textile upholstery (protection, cleaning, care)
- Puratex® basic cleaning kit (cleaning, care)
Extra protection
Protect larger or more small pieces of furniture with Puratex®, our most environmentally friendly impregnation:
Extra cleaning
For the bigger cleaning projects:
More information
Dust the furniture fabric regularly, preferably once a week. Use the recommended products from the Puratex® set(s) to keep the upholstery fabric fresh, clean and protected. Always follow the instructions on the packaging.
Extra information about the Puratex® products.
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