Freistil by Rolf Benz, 6006-6015 fabric
Freistil recommends:
6006 bunt, 6007 blau hell, 6008 violett/grau/grün, 6013 bunt, 6014 blau, 6015 grau/gelb.
Regular care
Use these products to maintain your upholstery fabric daily, weekly or in case of stains:
- Puratex® care set for textile upholstery (protection, cleaning, care)
- Puratex® basic cleaning kit (cleaning, care)
Extra protection
Protect larger or more small pieces of furniture with Puratex®, our most environmentally friendly impregnation:
Extra cleaning
For the bigger cleaning projects:
More information
Dust the furniture fabric regularly, preferably once a week. Use the recommended products from the Puratex® set(s) to keep the upholstery fabric fresh, clean and protected. Always follow the instructions on the packaging.
Extra information about the Puratex® products.
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