Item 708 of 2578

Freistil by Rolf Benz, 6170-6186 fabric

Freistil recommends:  

6170 weiss perl, 6171 gelb honig, 6172 gelb curry, 6173 ozean blau, 6174 türkis blau, 6175 violett, 6176 rot wein, 6177 rot feuer, 6178 rot orange, 6179 seiden grau, 6180 hell grau, 6181 anthrazit grau, 6182 blau azur, 6183 stahl blau, 6184 schwarzbraun, 6185 braunbeige, 6186 violett pastell.

Regular care
Use these products to maintain your upholstery fabric daily, weekly or in case of stains:


Extra protection
Protect larger or more small pieces of furniture with Puratex®, our most environmentally friendly impregnation:

Extra cleaning
For the bigger cleaning projects: 


More information
Dust the furniture fabric regularly, preferably once a week. Use the recommended products from the Puratex® set(s) to keep the upholstery fabric fresh, clean and protected. Always follow the instructions on the packaging.

  Extra information about the Puratex® products.

  Questions? Ask our experts! To: custumerservice.

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